Uuden viikon haaste alkoi ScrapbookStampSociety haaste sivulla.
Tällä viikolla aiheena Kaikki käy,voit käyttää minkä leimaa tahansa.
Sinulla on 1vk aikaa osallistua tähän haasteeseen.
Palkinto:1 arpomalla 30 dollarin edestä valita digiä sekä TOP 3
Me DT-tytöt käytimme Morgan Fitzsimons digiä
Itse käytin TÄTÄ digi leimaa,tein tästä Muistikirjan,käy vaikka kihlajais tai hää kirjaksi.
Väritys copic tusseilla,tykkään kuvasta,
oli vaan vaikea ymmärtää:)mitkä on lehtiä ja mitkä sydämiä:)
Kirjanen,-päälystin ensin valkoisella kartongilla,
seuraavaksi laitoin hopea kartongia,-
seuraavaksi kohokuvio valkoiselle,
alareunassa kaunis pitsi jonka päälle
valkoista ruusu nauhaa,-
höyheniä joihin kiinitin ihanat helmet,
ylä reunaan helminauhaa.
Näitä on kiva tehdä,kokeilkaa
nopeammin tulee kuin kortit:)
Fairy kortilla tuli VOITTO!
Myös TOP 3
Heidän valinta!
Rakkaat Kiitokseni teille!
Hugs Kaija:)
Keijut valittiin
Rakkaat Kiitokseni valitsijoille.
Hugs Kaija!
25 kommenttia:
Gorgeous card, thanks for joining our challenge at ABC but you may link your creation to no more than 9 other challenges (10 including ours, so your creation will not be entered in our draw
hugs Louise
Upea taideteos! Mikä määrä työtä ja taitoa tuohon on tarvittu - wau!
Gorgeous card! Beautifully colored and I love the flower trim. Thanks for joining us at Crafty Friends.
This is so pretty and so elegant. Thanks so very much for joining us this month at the Lady Anne's Stamp Challenge. We hope to see you again soon, Elizabeth (DT)
Lady Anne's Stamp Challenge.
Just stunning Kaija! That would be an amazing wedding gift for someone. I love it. Cheers, Holley
Absolutely fabulous xx
Beautiful Creation I saw it on MIM.
Hugs Julie x
Beautiful book cover the colours are gorgeous.
Joan x
Beautiful! Thank you for playing along with us at Lady Anne's Stamp Challenge and we hope to see you again soon. Good Luck :)
[Lady Anne's Challenges DT Member]
[Qinaahana Arts And Crafts ~ My Personal Blog]
What a lovely book. Great design, love all the embellishments you've added. It will be a wonderful gift for a bride to be. Thanks for joining us this month at Sparkle N Sprinkle Creative Challenges. Hope to see you again.
Barbara - SNS Challenge Coord.
Aivan ihana kuva, tykkään! Kaunis on kortin koristuskin!
very beautiful card Kaija.
greetings karin
beautiful book love the lace and top pearl border-thanks for joining us at 613 Avenue Create
Carol DT x
Stunning cards xx Jan
This is a beautiful project, love this image and your coloring. I would like to invite you to join my new challenge blog http://cisforchallenge.blogspot.com/ and the first challenge, which is 'Flowers'. It would be a great pleasure for me.
What a gorgeous notebook!! The vintage image is lovely and colored beautifully. The embellishments are just perfect! Thanks for playing in our neighborhood at 613 Avenue Create!
Co-Owner/DT Coordinator
Onnet voitoistasi! Ihastuttavan työn olet jälleen tehnyt! Värityksesi on aivan loistavaa!
Ow this is a lush card hun xxx
Gorgeous card and Fabulous image and colors Kaija. I saw this on MIM..Loz
Very romantic!! Thanks so much for joining us at ATSC. Good luck. Hugs, Nicole
Stunning creation .Thanks for sharing on Make it Monday
I saw your creation on MIM and had to take a closer look. I love this idea what a great wedding memory.
Wonderful!!! I love it! Thanks for playing with "Ladybug Crafts". Good luck!
Gorgeous project! Love the image and your design. Thanks so much for sharing with us at Creative Card Crew and 613 Avenue Create. Hope you have a great day!
- Jenn DT
Crafted My Fancy
Beautiful card! Thanks so much for participating in our PILE IT ON challenge!! Hope to see you again for our next challenge!!
A Little Bit O' Paper
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